Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Eyes wide close...

There is something there,
He knows he should see.
He thinks he must try,
For it might set him free.

He tried to find courage.
He tried to be brave.
He tried to seek the freedom,
He so badly craved.

But he was weak,
or so he thought.
Alas ! Life's struggle,
He gave up and lost.

Its a choice he lived.
A choice he chose.
To keep his eyes shut,
Or rather- eyes wide close.

(Sometimes I see people and think why did they give up ,why did they stop trying, why did they think they were not worthy enough for the fight!!
Always makes me wonder ... )


Anonymous said...

ok.. first of all.. what fight???

and do u mean give ujp living and dying? ok thats giving up.

im a give upper... as in, i start something and stop it in between. i dont know why.. sometimes i just wanna see if i can be without it..

there was a time when i was in my 11th, i stopped watching tv. my family thought there was something wrong with me. they used to try and make me watch tv, so that they'd know i was ok.

and theres this perfectionist thing i have. if i do something, i gotta do it properly .. if i miss something, i gotta redo it. now, if i dont redo it,.. and let the missed part be so... and continue.. another one will pile up on it and another... and so on..

until, i give up doin that thing. cos theres no point in doing something and not doin it properly.

[ i have no clue what im typing here ]

Arnab Maity said...

Your verses took out the fighter in me!

Sarah said...

like this poem :)